Use "typhoon|typhoons" in a sentence

1. Each of the carriers in the Third Fleet had a weatherman aboard, and as the fleet flagship New Jersey had a highly experienced weatherman: Commander G. F. Kosco, a graduate of the aerology course at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who had also studied hurricanes in the West Indies; despite this, none of these individuals or staffs were able to give Third Fleet due warning of the impending typhoon.

Bien que chacun des principaux bâtiments de la 3e flotte dispose d’un météorologue à bord, notamment le New Jersey avec le commandant GF Kosco, diplômé en Sciences de l'atmosphère au Massachusetts Institute of Technology et qui a également étudié les ouragans dans les Caraïbes, personne n’a été en mesure d’alerter la flotte de l’approche imminente du typhon.